viernes, 17 de enero de 2020

P3: BLOG 4 1BACH. Dec. 2nd. -8th.(2), 2019. Idioms Part 3.

P3: BLOG 4 1BACH. Dec. 2nd. -8th.(2), 2019. Idioms Part 3.

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Idioms Part 3 A2.2 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILLReading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: Idioms part 3: AIMS: To improve their speaking skillTo check and find specific information.  To learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversationsTo study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the wordsearch and find the idioms you have written on the list. Write their meaning and do the exercise applying them in a correct way. 
Exercise 1: IDIOMS: Write the meaning in your own language of these idioms:
• To give someone the creeps=
• To draw a blank=
• To have something on the tip of the tongue=
• To be between a hard place and a rock=
• To be all ears=
• To sound creepy=
• Not to take it=
Exercise 2. Match the expressions with their meaning. Then listen and check.

Expressions Meaning_____a. to    give    someone    the    creeps    
_____b. to draw a blank 
_____c. to    have    something    on    the    tip    of    the    tongue 
_____d. to    be    between    a    hard    place    and    a    rock

1.     to    be    in    a    situation    which    offers    two alternatives    that    are    both    difficult    
2.     to    make    someone    feel    frightened 
3.     to    forget    something 
4.     to    fail    to    find    a    word    you    know
Exercise 3. Complete this anecdote with the expressions above. Make the corresponding changes in the verb tense. 
It    all    happened    one    day    when    I    arrived    late    at    school.    I    was    coming    into    the    school    and    suddenly    the    principal    jumped    from    behind    the    gate    and    scared    me.    
God,  _____________________  (a) !    I    was    so    scared.    “I’m    sorry    I’m    late,”    I    said,    and    continued    walking    to    my    classroom.    Then    the    principal    shouted,    “Hold    it    right    there.    You    can’t    pass,”    and    he    continued,    “Well,    I´ll    let    you    in    if    you    answer    my    riddle.” I    looked    at    him    and    said,    “No    problem…    just    ask!”    “What    walks    on    four    legs    in    the    morning,    two    legs    at    noon    and    three    legs    in    the    evening?”    asked    the    principal.    “Come    on,    it’s    easy,”    I    said.    “Then    tell    me    the    answer,”    said    he. I    know    the    answer    but    I’m     _____________________(b) .  Let    me    think.    Oh    yeah,    I    know…    I    ______________________(c)  . The    principal    waited    patiently    for    one    minute    and    then    he    said,    “What    happened?    You    would    know    the    answer    if…    “Yeah,    I    know    …,    the    answer    is    …”    I    was    trying    hard    to    figure    out    the    answer,    but    I   _____________________ (d) ,    I    didn’t    have    any    idea.    All    I    could    say    was    ”Man…    you    got    me!”    I    hadn’t    finished    all    my    sentence    when    he    said,    “You    read    the    story     of    Oedipus and the Sphinx!    Well    done! You    can    pass.   
Exercise 4. Match the expressions with their meaning. Then listen and check.
Expressions Meaning
a. to    give    someone    the    creeps    
b. to draw a blank 
c. to    have    something    on    the    tip    of    the    tongue 
d. to    be    between    a    hard    place    and    a    rock
_____1.     to    be    in    a    situation    which    offers    two  alternatives    that    are    both    difficult    
_____2.     to    make    someone    feel    frightened 
_____3.     to    forget    something 
_____4.     to    fail    to    find    a    word    you    know
Exercise 5: Discuss.
• What    situations    give you the creeps? _________________________________
• What    do    you    do    when    you    draw a blank? ________________________
• What    situations    make    you    feel between a hard place and a rock?________
New Words and Expressions
New Words and Expressions

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