miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

P4 BLOG 2 1BACH: Jan. 6th.-12th. (2), 2020. Reading: Tomas From Viena.

Resultado de imagen para images of motivational, phrases, thoughts, quotes, etc. for young teenagersP4 BLOG 2 1BACH.: Jan. 6th.-12th. (2), 2020. Reading: Tomas From Viena.

Tomas From Viena. Reading: Tomas From Viena. GOOD MORNING TO YOU ALL! LET'S WORK WITH MORE ONLINE ENGLISH MATERIAL. PLEASE CHECK THE INSTRUCTIONS AND DO THE EXERCISES. TOPICReading: Tomas From Viena. LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, writing, grammar structure and CLIL. AIMS: To read the passage and understand its main idea and details about the text. To ckeck new vocabulary and expressions. To increase the ability to read each statement and answer by choosing the best option. SKILL WITH PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: Read the passages and answer True or False according to the readings. Check the new words and expressions and make a list of them. Add their meaning or definition either in English or Spanish.  Read this passage, then complete the questions for the answers given. Use up to three words to complete each space. Use he/his to make the questions.Read about Tomas who comes from Vienna, then answer the True/False questions about him.
Resultado de imagen para images of VienaTomas From Viena
I'm Tomas and I live in Vienna with my parents and my sisters. I'm the youngest in my family. I turned 13 last month. My sisters are Martina, 16, and Betta, 19. Betta's very serious and she always tells me what to do, I guess because she's the oldest. I go to a nice school not too far from our home and I really enjoy it. I have a lot of friends there and I enjoy studying. My best subject is Geography, probably because it's the easiest too! My most difficult subject is Math - I'm terrible and I don't like my teacher. I love playing sports, especially basketball. I'm the tallest player on the school team and I usually play really well. It's the happiest part of my day. My coach says that one day I could play professional basketball! On the weekend I spend a lot of time with my friends Ralf and Kurt. We do everything together and they are the most important people in my life, apart from my family of course!
 Answer the True/False questions about him.
1. Tomas is older than Martina.
2. Betta is the oldest.
3. Geography is the easiest subject.
4. English is more difficult than Math.
5. Tomas is the tallest on the team.
6. Kurt is more important than Betta.
New words and Expressions
Your name: _____________________________________________
Your school’s name: ______________________________________
Your grade/level: _________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________

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