viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

P5 BLOG 1 1BACH Feb. 17th.-23rd.(1), 2020. Used to

 P5 BLOG 1 1BACH Feb. 17th.-23rd. (1), 2020. Reinforcement material. Used to. Topic: Used to. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, grammar structure, new vocabulary, writing and CLILAIMS: To improve your language skills.  To read and understand the main idea and details about the text. To increase your new vocabulary and  expressions. To read the questions and answer by choosing the best option. SKILL WITH PERFORMANCE CRITERIARead the texts about Mark Zuckerberg and Angela Merkel and write true or false next to each statement. Make a list of new words and expressions. Add their meaning or definition either in English or Spanish. 
75+ Success Life Quotes Sayings - lifecoolquotes
Communication has been influenced by Facebook, the social network created by Mark Zuckerberg.
This creation was the result of his computer hobby. As a child he used to create computer games and small software applications. As a teenager, he used to have computer lessons with a private tutor. Today he is managing his company and has been considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.
 Mark Zuckerberg rechaza responder a 5 parlamentos sobre fake news ...
Angela Merkel is the chancellor of Germany. She has been chosen as the world’s most powerful woman by Forbes magazine, for being “the head of the one real global economy in Europe.” As a student, she used to be a member of the Socialist Youth Movement. She studied physics and received a doctorate in Quantum Chemistry. When Merkel was younger, she didn’t use to work in politics, like she does today, but as a researcher at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry.
 Angela Merkel sobre el coronavirus: ″Somos una comunidad en la que ...
a. Angela Merkel used to work in politics after finishing university.
b. Mark Zuckerberg used to be interested in business when he was a child.
c. Angela Merkel didn’t use to be part of any political movement at University.
d. As a child, Mark Zuckerberg used to have a private tutor.





New Words and Expressions

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